Australian and international newspapers and other news content provided by NewsBank. Updated daily. Includes Australian Financial Review, The Australian, Courier Mail.
Combines local, national, business, sport, political, technology and entertainment news from key providers within the Australia and New Zealand region.
Stream and download video of Australian television news, current affairs and selected documentaries from the free-to-air networks. Note: Coverage 2007 to present.
Indexes Australian television news, current affairs and selected documentaries from the free-to-air networks with links to the digitised video content in a compressed format. NOTE: Coverage - September 2007 to present.
Local and international newspapers and journals, plus global company information. A list of titles available in Factiva can be found at -- IMPORTANT NOTICE: Griffith University Library’s access to the FACTIVA database will cease as of 31 December 2024. The subscription to this database will not be renewed as per the outcomes of a review of library newspaper resources. ACCESS WORLD NEWS (from Newsbank), which is accessible via the library catalogue and the library Databases A to Z listing, will now be used as the key source for Australian and Global newspapers.
Australian and international newspapers and other news content provided by NewsBank. Updated daily. Includes Australian Financial Review, The Australian, Courier Mail.
Access to full text, recent and archival news from newspapers, newswires, transcripts and digital-only news sites from Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, Latin America, Middle East and Africa.
Local and international newspapers and journals, plus global company information. A list of titles available in Factiva can be found at -- IMPORTANT NOTICE: Griffith University Library’s access to the FACTIVA database will cease as of 31 December 2024. The subscription to this database will not be renewed as per the outcomes of a review of library newspaper resources. ACCESS WORLD NEWS (from Newsbank), which is accessible via the library catalogue and the library Databases A to Z listing, will now be used as the key source for Australian and Global newspapers.
A full-text database collection of U.S. regional, national, local and international newspapers. It also includes thousands of images, radio and TV broadcasts and transcript.
As of July 2019, Gale OneFile: News is the new name for InfoTrac Newsstand.
PressReader provides online access to over 2,000 local, regional and international newspapers and magazines from over 100 countries in 60 languages, displayed in their original format and accessible by country, language, or title.
ProQuest Newsstand has at its core, the Major Newspapers Collection, which includes national and leading regional papers such as The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and The Guardian.
British Library Newspapers consists of collections from the British Library which span three hundred years of newspaper publishing in the U.K.
For decades, even hundreds of years after publication, researchers of all kinds, all over the world, turn to newspapers for information relating to a widest variety of research needs. The rise of newspapers in Britain was a phenomenon which characterized a new age. The newspaper was increasingly a medium for information required by the commercially minded societies of major cities and regional centers. Taken as a whole, the huge production of newspapers in Britain provides an enormous resource for research on all subjects for all of the U.K., both urban and rural. The bulk of advertising, particularly for new books and theatrical performances, has proved especially useful to historians. Cultural trends, political currents and social problems are reflected in the newspapers and give new freshness and immediacy to the historic events.
Original archival content from The Economist with text translations available. Text can be analysed with accompanying Gale Digital Scholar tool. Note: Coverage from 1843 to 2015
A bibliographic database of articles selectively indexed from nine Australian daily newspapers. Designed for Australian students and researchers. NOTE: Coverage - 1991 to 30 June 2009.
Covers theories and practices of socialism and revolution alongside ecology, democracy and anarchism, feminism and organized labor, indigenous peoples and gays/lesbians, coverage is both international and interdisciplinary.