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Text mining and analysis

A curated list of licenced and open text mining resources and tools.

Licenced library sources

This is a list of ALL licensed library resources available to Griffith University authorised users for text mining use as of April 2022.
Source Summary Further information and licencing conditions
Adam Matthew Digital

Digitised historical and primary source documents for the humanities and social sciences.

A data mining API is available on request.

View support for Digital Humanities.

Search across all GU subscribed collections. (online books & journals)

Full text of book chapters and journal articles from Brill publications, covering a wide range of humanities, international law and biology.

Text and data mining permitted for Griffith users without written permission. 

See the licence agreement for details on permissions. Contact the Library for information on access.

Cambridge Core Books and journals published by Cambridge University Press and partner publishers.  Read the Terms of Use before text or data mining any Cambridge Core metadata or full text content. See FAQs for more information.
Emerald Fulltext

Scholarly journals, case studies, and books from a range of disciplinary areas with an emphasis on management and business.

Emerald supports researchers' rights to text and data mine content for non-commercial purposes, subject to the terms of their subscription agreement. Notify Emerald prior to conducting any TDM activities to allow them to manage server capacity. Find further information on their policy site.
Gale Primary Sources

Digital archives containing primary sources and historical documents such as monographs, manuscripts, newspapers, maps and photographs.

Users are permitted to Text and data mine. See Terms of Use for text and data mining of Gale content. Learn more by working through our self-paced tutorial. TDM FAQS.
IoP (Institute of Physics) Science

Contains articles and books focused on physics, materials science, biosciences, astronomy and astrophysics, environmental sciences, mathematics and education.

Institutions with current licences with IOP Publishing, which contain clauses allowing TDM, must comply with the specific terms of those contracts to the extent that they do not conflict with s29A of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. To avoid being blocked by the technical protections set up to prevent unauthorised systematic downloading of website content, individuals wishing to TDM must email with details of their request. See their policy for further information. 
JAMA Network

A collection of journals published by the American Medical Association (AMA), including The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).

Registration is required for limited TDM rights of their online content in our subscription. Read about their Text and Data Services and download their TDM terms and conditions.

Full text journals, books, images, and primary sources from the humanities, social sciences and life sciences.

Constellate offers text mining and visualisation of JSTOR content, an analytics lab, and text analysis tutorials.
Oxford Academic from Oxford University Press

Applies to all Oxford Journals and Online Resources such as: Oxford Journals Online; the Oxford Handbooks Online series and Oxford Scholarship Online series.

Accommodates TDM for non-commercial use. Although researchers are not required to request permission for non-commercial text-mining, OUP offers consultation with a technical project manager to assist in planning the project, including avoidance of any technical safeguard triggers OUP has in place to protect the stability and security of their websites. Find out more.

Royal Society of Chemistry (UK) The University has access to eight current journal titles and their Journal Archive, 1841 to 2004. The Royal Society state that the right to read is the right to mine. Members of subscribing institutions have permission to mine journal content for either commercial or non-commercial purposes. To help manage the system load, email the Royal Society if you intend to carry out any mining activity. See their Data sharing and mining policy
SAGE Journals Online

Access journals for all disciplines from SAGE Publications.

Griffith users are permitted to extract or use information contained in the Licensed Materials for educational, scientific or research purposes.

Downloading articles from SAGE Journals for the purposes of text and data mining is permitted. They recommend downloading articles through the Crossref Text and Data Mining API. See their policy for further information.
ScienceDirect (Elsevier)

Multi-disciplinary, peer-reviewed journal article database covering research in the fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences and humanities.

Users are permitted to access text and data mining services for non-commercial research purposes via an API. Researchers should register for an API key from the developers portal. See their policy for further information.
Scopus (Elsevier)

Abstracts and indexes journals, books and conference proceedings for all disciplines. Includes tools to track, analyse and visualise research.

Users are permitted to access text and data mining services for non-commercial research purposes via an API. After signing in, you must agree to an API Service Agreement and TDM Provisions. See their policy for further information.

An integrated full-text database for scientific, technical, and medical (STM) journals and books published by Springer.

Springer Nature allows non-commercial text and data mining. See their TDM Policy for details of direct and API download limits. Note: Springer Nature offers a variety of APIs that can incur a cost.
Web of Science

Multidisciplinary database containing journal articles, books and proceedings for sciences, social sciences, arts and humanities.

See the index of APIs that can be used with Web of Science data. Register through the API Portal and subscribe to an API.
Wiley Online Library

Contains a collection of online resources covering life, health, and physical sciences as well as social science and the humanities.

Wiley allows academic subscribers to text and data mine for non-commercial purposes. Access to content for TDM purposes must take place through their API service. Read their Text and Data Mining information to see how to get a text and data mining token. 

If you are conducting a joint research project with external affiliates, please contact the Library