Library databases contain scholarly literature such as journal articles, books and conference proceedings. Griffith subscribes to the databases listed below which are of particular relevance for Design including Industrial design. Some are relevant across the whole discipline of Design, and some for specific subsets. There are also other databases that may include relevant information for your Design studies.
Digitized art and architecture magazines of the 20th century, covering fine and applied arts, interior design, industrial design, and landscape gardening.
These collections, underpinned by an overarching taxonomy, have been designed to fit together seamlessly so that access to any combination of them provides a rich experience for users of all levels. Users can enjoy a diverse range of content types including textbooks, reference, primary material, monographs, pedagogical tools and multimedia. The Bloomsbury Visual Arts hub will provide an engaging, one-stop study and research environment with the needs of both users and administrators at its heart.
If you are prompted to pay to access an article, you may have found your way to a commercial publisher's site. It is wise to check if the library provides free access to that article via one of our journal or database subscriptions. You are able to do this in Google Scholar by setting up Full Text@Griffith links in Google Scholar.
The Full Text@Griffith links appear next to a result when that item is available in full text via our Griffith library subscriptions. If you are using the Griffith network to connect to Google Scholar, these links appear automatically. Alternatively, if you are accessing Google Scholar directly on the web, you can set up the Full Text@Griffith links.