Choosing music to perform is an exciting opportunity for you to discover what music the Library can offer in print and electronic formats.
As a starting point for choosing repertoire to perform, consult with your teacher, peers or the Australian Music Examinations Board (AMEB) Manual of Syllabuses available in the Library.
You are also encouraged to broaden your choices of repertoire by selecting music by Australian composers. Check out the Australian Music Centre (AMC) catalogue to discover new composers and compositions for your instrument/voice. Check the Griffith Library catalogue as well, as we have many scores from the AMC.
Finding print music held by the Library is easy to do. Here are some tips to improve your searching in the Library catalogue.
Step 1: Search: Composers last name, title of music score or name of instrument eg. Mozart concertos piano
Step 3: Ask for help from our friendly Library staff if you need assistance finding the music on the shelves.
Music Online: Classical Scores Library is a database that has been purchased by the Library. It has an extensive range of music scores available across a wide range of instruments, ensembles and genres. Search or browse the database to locate music. Music scores can be printed in full but not downloaded.