Drama Online is a digital library of plays, videos, audio, context and criticism, theatre craft, images and articles.
Provides streaming music, cover artwork, biographies and more. This resource concentrates on western classical music but contains content from other genres such as jazz, world, classic rock and nostalgia.
Kanopy is a comprehensive, on-demand, multidisciplinary streaming video service for educational institutions. Find movies, documentaries, foreign films, classic cinema, independent films and educational videos.
Online library database of theatre videos, including plays and film documentries.
An authorative resource for music research covering the history, theory and cultures of music from around the world. Contains detailed music definitions, performer and composer biographies including works produced, score, audio and image examples.
Provides full text access to scholarly and trade/practice articles covering all aspects of music.
Provides citations and abstracts of articles from scholarly journals and other sources and covers all genres of music.
Journals and other publications for all disciplines published by Taylor and Francis.