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Authorised law reports

Australian authorised law reports

If you are unsure which version of a report to use this short video may be of help.

Federal and State 

Court Title of Law Report Series Abbreviation
of Report Series
Access Citation Example
High Court Commonwealth Law Reports 1903- CLR

Cases (via Westlaw AU)

Allen v Chadwick (2015) 256 CLR 148
Federal Court Federal Court Reports 1984- FCR

Cases (via Westlaw AU)

Ashby v Slipper (2016) 241 FCR 55
Administrative Appeals Tribunal Administrative Law Decisions 1976- ALD

CaseBase (via Lexis Advance)

Sio v R (2016) 151 ALD 187
Supreme Court of
New South Wales
New South Wales Law Reports 1970- NSWLR

CaseBase (via Lexis Advance)


Cases (via Westlaw AU)

Coshott v Barry (2015) 91 NSWLR 1
  New South Wales Reports 1960-1970 NSWR Law KH75.N482 Banks v Banks [1970] 3 NSWR 233
  State Reports NSW 1901-1970 ​SR (NSW)

Cases (via Westlaw AU)

Vale v Whiddon 50 SR (NSW) 90
  Law Report(New South Wales) 1856-1900 LR (NSW) ​AustLII Gibson v Young 
(1990) 21 LR (NSW) 7
Supreme Court of the
Australian Capital Territory
Australian Capital Territory Law Reports 2008- ACTLR

Cases (via Westlaw AU)

Steen v Senton (2015) 11 ACTLR 95
  Australian Capital Territory Reports 1973-2008 ACTR

CaseBase (via Lexis Advance)

Foote v Dixon (2013) 178 ACTR 17
Supreme Court of Northern Territory Northern Territory Law Reports 1991- NTLR

Cases (via Westlaw AU)

Hutchinson v Anderson (2015) 36 NTLR 1
  Northern Territory Reports 1979-1991 NTR

CaseBase (via Lexis Advance)

Fox v Coates (2010) 162 NTR 1
Supreme Court of Queensland * Queensland Reports April 2020-

CaseBase (via Lexis Advance)


Cases (via Westlaw AU)

Gog v Magog (2020) 1 QR 123

  Queensland Reports 1958-March 2020 Qd R

CaseBase (via Lexis Advance)


Cases (via Westlaw AU)

Goggin v Majet [2016] 2 Qd R 401
  State Reports Queensland 1902-1957 St R Qd

Cases (via Westlaw AU)

McKenzie v Anderson (1922) St R Qd 210
Supreme Court of
South Australia
South Australian State Reports 1971- SASR

Cases (via Westlaw AU)

Dietman v Feast (2016) 126 SASR 165
  State Reports South Australia 1920-1970 SRSA AustLII Dankel v Bond [1938] SASR 45
  South Australian Law Reports 1863-1920 SALR AustLII Anthony v Speed [1917] SALR 110
Supreme Court of Tasmania Tasmanian Reports 1979- Tas R

Cases (via Westlaw AU)

Heyward v Moyle (2013) 23 Tas R 111
  Tasmanian State Reports 1940-1978 Tas SR AustLII Wansborough v Edwards
[1941] Tas SR 1
  Tasmanian Law Reports 1897-1940 Tas LR AustLII Jones v Donelly (1921) 17 Tas LR 66
Supreme Court of Victoria Victorian Reports 1957- VR

CaseBase (via Lexis Advance)


Cases (via Westlaw AU)

Spotlight Pty Ltd v NCON Australia Ltd (2012) 46 VR 1
  Victorian Law Reports
Supreme Court of Western Australia Western Australian Reports 1960- WAR

Cases (via Westlaw AU)

Brocx v Hughes (2010) 41 WAR 84
  Western Australian Law Reports 1898-1959 WALR AustLII Gorman v The King
(1944) 45 WALR 80

* A recent Practice Direction allows the use of an available official medium neutral citation for submissions to the Trial Division of the Supreme Court and in the Court of Appeal.

United Kingdom authorised reports - Modern English reports

The Law Reports 

Title and Years of Reporting Series Abbreviation
of Report Series
Access Citation Example
Admiralty and Ecclesiastical Cases
LR Adm & Eccl ICLR Online The Priscilla LR 3 A & E 125

Appeal Cases

App Cas

​ICLR Online In re Twidale's Petition 14 App Cas 328
  1891-present AC ICLR Online ​Donoghue v Stevenson​ [1932] AC 562

Chancery Appeal Cases

LR Ch App

ICLR Online

Beall v Smith LR 9 Ch App 85

Chancery Division

Ch D ICLR Online

Ashbury v Watson 30 Ch D 376

  1891-present Ch  ICLR Online Brown v Raphael [1958] 1 Ch 636
Common Pleas Division
CPD ICLR Online Dixon v Whitworth 4 CPD 371
Common Pleas Cases
LR CP ICLR Online Armitage v Jessop LR 2 CP 12
Crown Cases Reserved
LR CCR ICLR Online The Queen v Foulkes LR 2 CCR 150
English and Irish Appeals
LR HL ICLR Online Osborne Hilliard Appellant; and Luke Eiffe Respondent 
LR 7 HL 39
Equity Cases
LR Eq ICLR Online Lazarus v Charles LR 16 Eq 117
Exchequer Division
Ex D ICLR Online Alderson v Maddison5 Ex D 293
Exchequer Cases
LR Ex ICLR Online Allgood and Others v Blake LR 8 Ex 160
Family Division
Fam ICLR Online Oxley v Hiscock [2005] Fam 211
King's Bench Division
KB ICLR Online Addis v Burrows [1948] 1 KB 444
Privy Council Appeals
LR PC ICLR Online In re McInnes' Patent LR 2 PC 54 
Probate and Divorce Cases
LR P & D ICLR Online Ashwell v Lomi LR 2 P & D 477
Probate, Divorce and Admiralty Division
PD ICLR Online Bigwood v Bigwood 13 PD 89 
  1891-71 P ICLR Online Carlsholm (Owners) v Calliope (Owners) The Calliope 
[1970] P 172
Queen's Bench Cases
LR QB ICLR Online Carter v Scargill LR 10 QB 564
Queen's Bench Division
QBD ICLR Online Baines v Wright and Another 16 QBD 330
  1891-01; 1952-present QB ICLR Online Webster v Lord Chancellor [2016] 1 QB 676
Scotch and Divorce Appeals
LR Sc & Div ICLR Online Gray Appellant; Turnbull Respondent LR 2 Sc & Div 53


United Kingdom authorised reports - Early law reports

The following is from the Australian Guide to Legal Citation (3rd ed), Rule 23.1.3, p 238
Citations of nominate reports should include a parallel citation of the English Reports (ER) or the Revised Reports (RR) where available, after the citation of the nominate report (including any pinpoint reference). The ER should be cited in preference to the RR. Where necessary to avoid ambiguity, judges' names should be repeated after both the nominate report and the ER or RR pinpoints. The nominate reports, published between 1537 and 1865, are reports that were published under the name of the reporter. Many of the nominate reports have been compiled and reprinted. The first reprint was published as the RR. The subsequent (and preferred) reprint is the ER. Click here for table of nominate citation formats.

Title of Reporting Series Abbreviation
of Report Series
Access Citation Example
English Reports
(Vols 1-176)
ER Westlaw UK
Lexis Advance
Tyssen v Ward (1751) 21 ER 233

Daniel Janvrin v Philip de la Mare the Younger 15 ER 332; (1861) 14 Moo. P.C. 334

Revised Reports

Law KF53.R48
Gold Coast and Nathan)
Humble v Shore (1847) 7 Hare 247, 82 RR 95